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The College Essay Guy Podcast: A Practical Guide to College Admissions

Dec 10, 2018

This episode is part one of three on access and equity in the college counseling community. Today we meet Joan Liu, a counselor at a high school in Southeast Asia, who has been working on the front lines of access and equity issues during her career. When over 60 Nepali students suddenly lost their full-tuition...

May 10, 2018

In this episode you’ll hear Adam’s take on:

  • What’s a “good” score?
  • How much do SAT scores matter?
  • Do students even need standardized tests?
  • When should students take the test?
  • What’s the difference between the SAT and the ACT?
  • Do students need the optional essay?
  • The most important things to know about...

May 9, 2018

On this podcast we discuss:

  • Why parents should stop telling their students that there are tons of school and to not worry about where they will go
  • Why (and how) to limit the amount of time you spend talking about college

  • When the best time to start talking about college is 

  • The three most stressful parts of...

Apr 6, 2018

On this episode we discuss, among other things:

  • How common testing anxiety is (you may be surprised)
  • How anxiety functions in the body
  • Strategies for changing how you think about anxiety #reframing
  • Some ways you can understand and adjust self-talk
  • What cognitive rehearsal is and how it can help
  • A brief intro to the...

Apr 4, 2018

On this episode we discuss:

  • Are standardized tests evil?
  • What are some other standardized test myths that people tend to believe?
  • To what extent does the SAT or ACT measure what students need to know in college?
  • Important statistics from “Crossing the Finish Line,” a book that outlines the research around how well...